Channel: PopBuzz
Category: Entertainment
Tags: janey jackédrag race uk vs the world reviewdrag racepop buzzcheryl holerupaulblu hydrangeauk vs the world miss congenialityjujubeepanginapopbuzz meetsdrag race uk vs the world interviewdrag race uk vs the worlddrag race uk vs the world finale reviewdrag race uk blu hydrangearupaul's drag racedrag race ukblu hydrangea interviewpopbuzzuk vs the worldmiss congeniality drag race uk vs the worlddrag race yearbook miss congeniality
Description: The votes have been cast and verified, and we can now exclusively reveal the winners of the Drag Race Yearbook! 📘✨ And to help Yshee Black announce the results, we are joined by the new mother tucking queen of the world, Blu Hydrangea! 💙 Thank you to everyone who watched and enjoyed this series of the Drag Race Yearbook. See you very soon - the PopBuzz team 💋❤️ #DragRace #DragRaceUK #DragRaceYearbook S U B S C R I B E: Get more PopBuzz at Playlists: -PopBuzz Meets: -The Tower of Truth | PopBuzz: -The Most Impossible Quiz | PopBuzz: YouTuber News: Keep in touch at 💻 🐦 📸